KIUD | Premium packaging from textile waste

Packaging that complies with the Green Deal

KIUD pakub lahendust, mis mitte ainult vastab EL-i rohelise kokkuleppele, vaid ka kehastab ringmajanduse põhimõtteid moe- ja tekstiilitööstuses.


78% of textile waste generated in EU is today landfilled, incinerated or exported to Africa.


We repurpose this valuable circular material into the most widely used products – 

a high quality and durable premium packaging.

ESG nõuetele vastavus

Packaging from recycled textile waste complies with the ESG requirements.

CO2 vähendamine

Contribution to circular economy and reduction of the carbon footprint.

Turul eristumine

Novel packaging enables to differentiate brands in the market.

The environmental impact of KIUD

Life cycle impact assesment for comparing both textile waste and cardboard packaging systems was carried out using the 2016 ReCipe (H) midpoint method across 18 impact categories, using OpenLCA platform.

Globaalne soojenemine

% kg CO2 ekv.

This category assesses and focuses on the emissions of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), which contribute to Earth’s rising temperatures and the climate change.

Water consumption

% m3

This category assesses the amount of water withdrawn or consumed throughout the life cycle of the product or the activity. It takes into account both the direct use of water and the indirect water footprint associated with processes or inputs.

Land use

% m2a saagikuse ekv.

This category assesses the environmental impact associated with the change of land use. Land use refers to the occupation, transformation, or alteration of the land for various purposes – agriculture, urban development, or industrial activities.

Meie uurimise eeldused

Tekstiilijäätmetest valmistatud jäik pakend omab mitmeid eeliseid võrreldes kartongiga.

Sellega kaasneb positiivne keskkonnamõju ja see aitab väärtustada sega tekstiilijäätmeid, mis on raskesti taaskasutatavad.

Papist pakend

Tekstiilijäätmetest pakend

Algusest lõpuni hindamine

KIUD’s technology enables to eliminate the need for extensive processing and bleaching required in cardboard manufacturing.

Disposed via textile waste stream

KIUD material consists of 100% of textile fibers and is thermomechanically processed without using any chemicals or water. This makes the recycling of discarded KIUD packaging easy.


End-of-life KIUD packaging can be recycled via conventional textile waste streams. Tested successfully via traditional non-woven recycling machinery with the yield of 80%.


The success rate of developing the effective recycling schemes depends largely on infrastructure and the collaboration between the governmental institutions, sorting centers, recyclers, manufacturers and the consumers.